Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We are called to be in the present; to enjoy what we have now, not looking back on what we have. One way I have heard it put is that we should not be sad about things that happened in the past or wish that we were back there but be glad that they happened. A thought I woke up to this morning is how much patience this experience is going to require. I would like to be seeing friends and family or be around people that I love and trust. Yet, I am called to be here in the moment and no amount of wishing is going to change the situation. Sounds like something that will help my climbing too!

Reading in Philippians it says somewhere that we must be what we desire from other people for other people. In less confusing grammar, I want to be hugged, to be loved, to have a community, to laugh with people, and to climb. Therefore, I must hug, love, invite community, cause laughter, and organize climbing trips. Of course, being a lazy and selfish being, I would much rather someone else do all of this for me. I would like to know that someone wants to hang out with me without me initiating it.

Also, I know that there is some sort of Christian group here on campus called Student Life. And I think there might be others. I met some people again today and asked them, hoping they would get the hint, where they hang out and they were not very informative. It made me realize perhaps they way I have acted at Davidson being apart of RUF. I know now what if feels like to be wanting to be in a community and that community not being really welcoming. Cool things at work and changes to make.

I finally have the class schedule smoothed out. Right now I have no classes on thursday and only one on friday morning.... so if the opportunity presented itself and I needed a four day weekend... hehe. Thank you all for your prayers!


  1. Community is everything, man. I will be praying that God provides!
    -Jeff T.

  2. yes.. so true. i'm reading in Ruth right now and its so interesting.. Noami prays a blessing over Ruth to find a husband early on and then Boaz blesses Ruth when he first meets her that she might find protection under the wings of the Lord of Israel. and God used Naomi and Boaz to answer both of their own prayers. does that make sense? Naomi ended up being the one to help Ruth find a husband, Boaz ended up being the way God opened for Ruth to have protection under the covenant God. sometimes God uses US to accomplish the very things we are praying for in our lives and in our loved ones lives. just thought this was profound.
